This department is equivalent to that of anatomy of modern medical science and it deals with anatomical aspects of the human body including histology, osteology, organology, etc. The Rachana Sharir subject comprises study of Normal body structures documented by Ayurveda and the Acharyas as well as the study of Modern Anatomy.
Rachana Sharir is a 1st year BAMS subject, here the students along with theory study Human body parts through dissection methods and become an open-minded researcher and an intelligent clinician.
Being the foundation subject, all the basic principles of Sharir (body) are incorporated within Rachana-Sharir. This department has a fully fledged dissection hall with facilities for cadaver preservation.
It has a well preserved elegant museum with rare specimens and fine exhibits. The department also has an exclusive library.
In the course of 1st year BAMS & MD of Rachana Sharir each and every student has to perform complete Dissection of Cadaver in a systematic manner during his part of curriculum.
Rachana Sharir is an extremely dynamic and interesting subject to an inquisitive Practitioner and Researcher of Ayurveda. All the medical sciences require more or less basic knowledge of Rachana Sharir. Hence the study is indeed the most important of basic sciences of the life.
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