Panchkarma therapy is actual strength of Ayurveda, Which include five karmas (procedures) i.e. vamana, virechana, Basti, Nasya and Raktamokshana. Dept. is having different compartments for different karmas.
These includes pre-procedures like snehan (oleation or massage) kaksha, Swedan (foamentation or steam) kaksha, Vamana (Emesis) kaksha, Virechana (purgation) Basti (Anorectal administration of drugs) kaksha, Nasya (nasal administration of drugs) kaksha and Raktamokshana (blood lenting) kaksha. Other procedures like shirodhara, Shirobasti, Shiropichu and Abhyang are conducted on Shirodhara table. Special Netratarpana is also done for ophthalmic problems. Jalauka (leeches) are preserved in tank and can be reused for Raktamokshan. Agnikarma (cauterization) is mainly done in separate compartments, useful for Vatavikaras, special |
procedures like janu-basti, Kati-basti, Manya – basti and Hridh – bast are also performed. Pinda sweda is done routinely with other special keralian panchkarma procedures like pizichil in this department.