‘A Doctor must be clinically competent, medically alerts & legally aware……’
The subject – ‘Agadtantra, Vyahar Ayurved Evam Vidhi Vaidyak’ teach medical alertness as in Toxicology i. e. Agadtantra & Legal awareness as in Forensic Medicine i.e. Vyavahar Ayurved & Medical Jurisprudence i.e. Vidhi Vaidyak.
The main aim of this subject is to contribute in producing skilled legal medical practitioner. To achieve this motto we have well-established Dept. with full-fledged teaching staff. Dept coincides with well equipped museum with set of weapon (105), set of poisons with household poisons, computerised chart on syllabus (56), models (14), Preserved viscera(7), Photographs of snakes(9), Set of Antidotes(18), Slides(200), Transparencies (40),
Different types of books of F.M.T. & Agadtantra(108), Set of Post Mortem Instrument(19) cultivated Poisons Plants (10), Photo album, CD’s and F.M.T., & well established forensic science Research lab.
Existing Postgraduate dept. having ongoing – 4 P.G. research projects on Agadtantra & F.M.T.
Now, we are going to start O.P.D. & then I.P.D. for Ayurvedic treatment on the patient suffering from cumulative poisoning, different types of animal bites, chronic diseases which related to Dooshi-visha, etc.
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